File::Find module
advisory about breaking of, 43
printing sorted list of symbols for, 25 26
and packages, 25
usage of, 22
provision by packages, 27
END blocks, usage of, 34
converting module names to, 27
=end POD command, using, 71
maximum length of, 124
ENTER C macro
File::Spec module
using with implicitly freed memory, 196
coding around problems with, 124 125
using with subroutines, 198 199
purpose of, 123 124
equal sign (=)
filter option, result of adding to functionality 
appearance before POD commands, 67
of HTML::Template, 143
overloading, 55 56
find() function, role in File::Find module, 
error reporting, performing with packages, 
22 23
34 35
Fine Manuals, consulting, 64
estimate() function, documenting, 67
finite state machines, CGI programs as, 
eval, using with string argument, 23
257 258
events, depicting in UML diagrams, 258
FIRSTKEY() method, using with tied hashes, 
exception handling, 34 35
EXISTS() method, using with tied hashes, 62
flock() subroutine, advisory about, 31
[follow] default answer in CPAN module, 
Exporter utility
selecting, 14 15
using with file generated 
FORCE option, using with Inline::C, 239
by h2xs program, 102
Free Software Foundation Web site, 2 3
using with functional interfaces, 79 81
using with packages, 32 33
using with implicitly freed memory, 196
exporting functions, purpose of, 22
using with subroutines, 198 199
extensibility, result of adding to 
freshmeat Web site, 163
HTML::Template, 143
FTP PUT option, uploading new module 
ExtUtils::MakeMaker module
distributions with, 136
generating license text with, 121 CPAN server, role in network 
usage of, 105, 112, 118 119
topology, 4 5
Ezmlm, using with qmail, 142
functional interfaces
documenting subroutines in, 75 76
managing return values in, 78 79
naming subroutines in, 74 75
factoring, explanation of, 66
parameter passing in, 76 78
fallback overload key, using with auto 
using Exporter utility with, 79 81
generation, 55
using innerCaps with, 75
feeping creaturism, fighting, 142 144
using wantarray() built in with, 79
FETCH() method
functional modules, usage of, 31 35. See also
using with tied hashes, 61 62
module distributions, modules, 
using with tied scalar classes, 58
overloaded modules, portable 
fh key, used in hash example, 41
file operators, using OO wrapper with, 38
file systems
case sensitivity of, 124
usage of, 123 124






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