Chapter 5
Subject: [RFC] Data::Counter
Hello all   I ve written a new module called Data::Counter that I m planning to
put on CPAN.  Take a look at the documentation and tell me what you think.
    Data::Counter   a module that counts your data
An easy way to produce the content for the message is to use the pod2text script 
that comes with Perl to create a plaintext copy of your module's POD documentation.
CAUTION The perl5 porters mailing list is not a good place to send 
your RFC. The perl5 porters are responsible for developing Perl itself 
and are not very patient with people who mistake their mailing list for a 
general Perl discussion area.
If your RFC receives any replies, then it's likely that some of them will be 
 You should treat criticism seriously, but don't let it prevent you from 
releasing your module there are plenty of successful CPAN modules that began 
their lives with controversy! On the other hand, if you receive no replies, you 
should take that as a sign that you haven't found your user community yet. Keep 
looking your module will only be a success if people use it, and they'll need to 
hear about it first!
One of the most sensitive issues for a new CPAN module is the module's name. 
Since all CPAN modules share a global namespace, everyone has a stake in making 
sure modules are named appropriately. If you're not certain that you have the right 
name for your module, then you should include a section in your RFC discussing 
possible alternatives. Avoid the most common mistakes in module naming 
creating new top level namespaces needlessly (such as Profile::DBI instead of 
DBIx::Profile), cute or funny names (for example, D'oh), or ego based names (for 
example, Sam::Template).
2. Particularly true on Usenet!






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