Module Design and Implementation
In this example, the CGI::MailForm class proxies calls to the param() method in the 
contained CGI object:
package CGI::MailForm;
use CGI;
# basic constructor
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $self = { query => CGI >new() };
  bless($self, $pkg);
# the proxying param method
sub param {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self >{query} >param(@_);
Contrast this with an implementation using inheritance:
package CGI::MailForm;
use CGI;
@ISA = qw(CGI);
In both cases users of the module can use the param() method:
my $mailForm = CGI::MailForm >new();
$mailForm >param(foo =>  bar );
Composition also has the advantage of scaling better than inheritance. An 
object that contains five other objects of various types is no harder to write than 
one that contains one object. In contrast, doing five way multiple inheritance is 
probably grounds for commission to a mental facility.
If you are going to use inheritance, keep it simple. Having worked on a Perl 
project with an inheritance hierarchy over six levels deep, I can safely state that 
here be dragons . Deep inheritance hierarchies make understanding the behavior 
of a particular class very difficult either documentation is repeated at each level, 
or readers must perform a tedious search process up the inheritance tree to find 
the method they're looking for.






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