Chapter 2
  if (ref($other) and $other >isa( Even )) {
     # another Even object will always be even, so the addition
     # can always be done
     $result = $$self + $$other;
  } else {
     # make sure it s even
     $other += 1 if $other % 2;
     $result = $$self + $other;
  # return a new object in the same class as $self
  return ref($self) >new($result);
This method will work with other objects that are either of the Even class or inherit 
from it. It also uses an inheritance safe method for creating new objects by calling the 
new() method (implemented earlier in this section) on the result of calling ref() on the 
object. This means that the new() method will be called on whatever class $self
belongs to, even if that's a child class of the class where add() is implemented.
Auto Generation
As you can see from the preceding example, it takes a lot of work to write a safe 
overload method. Fortunately, it's usually not necessary to create methods for all 
the possible overloadable operations. This is because the overload module can 
auto generate many overload methods from existing overloaded methods. Table 
2 4 contains the rules for method auto generation.
Table 2 4. Method Auto Generation
Auto Generation Description
Assignment forms of math  Can be auto generated from the nonassignment forms 
(+= can be auto generated from +, for example)
Conversion operators
Any conversion operator can be auto generated from 
any other
Auto generated from += and  =
Auto generated from < and binary subtraction
Auto generated from subtraction
Auto generated from Boolean conversion
Auto generated from string conversion






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