Chapter 2
The list includes all the subroutines and variables defined in the package. It also 
includes the symbol tables for any packages that begin with File::Find. For example, 
if you were to also use the fictitious package File::Find::Faster, then the preceding 
code would list  Faster::  for File::Find::Faster's symbol table.
All nonlexical
 symbols are stored in a symbol table even global variables. 
What is normally referred to as a global variable in Perl is actually just a variable in 
the default package called  main:: . You can access the main package's symbol table 
through two names %main:: and %::. So, in actuality, Perl has no global variables 
just package variables in the default package.
Aside from this default package, no automatic prefix is assumed. This means 
that all package names must be spelled out fully and are not based on the current 
package. For example, this code:
package Poets::Appolinaire;
@Books = qw(Alcools Calligrams);
is not equivalent to:
package Poets;
@Appolinaire::Books = qw(Alcools Calligrams);
In order to reference @Poets::Appolinaire::Books from within the Poets package, 
the full package name is required:
package Poets;
@Poets::Appolinaire::Books = qw(Alcools Calligrams);
This is a good reason to keep your package names reasonably short you'll have to 
type the full name whenever you need to refer to the package.
CAUTION Modules with similar names do not necessarily have any 
relationship. For example, the CGI and CGI::Thin modules have nothing in 
common. CGI::Thin is not necessarily a subclass of CGI, as those with 
object oriented experience might think. The most you can say with 
confidence is that they both have something to do with CGI.
5. Lexical symbols are those created with the my operator.






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