application. It is best used when building web services that have no GUI and no 
application state. 
. This property defines the session timeout: If the end user is idle and timeout 
occurs, the session is invalidated and the server application discarded.
7.4  Creating custom messages 
There are three kinds of messages that the wizard creates support for: Info, print and error messages. 
These easiest way to use these messages is setting them in 
events such 
  void this_action(ActionEvent e) { 
   if (e.getAction().equals("<<")) { 
    setInfoMessage( User pressed << button! );     
Alternatively, you can use 
setPrintMessage(String message)
Now the action is consumed and pressing 
 button will show a HTML page containing the info text. 
Most of the error messages are integrated into the server application skeleton: For example, if there are 
erroneus fields when trying to save a record, the error message is created automatically by the call method. 
7.5  Creating custom confirmation messages 
You can create custom confirmation messages by using 
 object in an event: 
     String message =  is this ok? ; 
     boolean yes = true; boolean no = true; 
     boolean cancel = false; boolean ignore = false; 
     setConfirmState(new xfij.core.internal.ConfirmState(message,yes,no,cancel, 
ignore) { 
       public void forwardYes() { /* this happens if user presses ok */ } 
       public void forwardNo() { /* this happens if user presses no */ } 
       public void forwardCancel() { /* this happens if user presses cancel */} 
       public void forwardIgnore() { /* this happens if user presses ignore */} 
          } ); 
This is most useful in 
 event. Please note that the server application handles most confirmation 
queries automatically. These queries can be activated/deactivated from XfijSource components properties 
(showMessages and confirmMessages). 
7.6  Using e FixIT focus control methods 
The e FixIT application wizard includes some focus control logic in the code creates. The useful functions 
setDefaultFocusControl(String focusField_name)
. This method is usually called from the 
application JSP. It defines the field that receives focus when the form (HTML page) loads. 






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