EEPP Program Support Unit 
EPF Operating Manual   General Principles 
Project Cycle 
The project cycle includes the following phases: project identification 
and development, project selection and approval of financial support, 
award of financial support and project implementation, project 
monitoring and evaluation. 
Project Information Form  Is the preliminary short application form completed and submitted by 
the various organizations to receive financial support from the Fund's 
CPP.   Based on the information provided in the PIF, the Fund 
determines whether the applicant has satisfied the Fund's established 
eligibility criteria for financial support.   
Project Application Form 
Is the application form completed by the eligible applicant upon the 
Fund's acceptance of the PIF.  The form includes detailed 
information concerning the applying organization and the proposed 
project.  The Fund reviews and evaluates the PAF based on 
established evaluation criteria.  This is followed by selection of 
projects for funding by the Fund's Management Committee.  
Eligibility Criteria 
Are conditions set the Fund to determine whether a project 
application is eligible or not for financial support. 
Evaluation and Selection 
Are criteria defined by the Fund for evaluating project applications 
on a competitive basis.  Based on the evaluation of applications, the 
Fund selects projects that will receive financial support. 






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