      Expires response header, 150 51
      status 200 (OK), 127
      Last Modified response header, 
      status 201 (Created), 127
      status 202 (Accepted), 127
      Location response header, 151
      status 203 (Non authoritative Infor 
      persistent servlet state and auto 
mation), 127
reloading pages, 154 63
      status 204 (No Content), 127 28
      Pragma response header, 151
      status 205 (Reset Content), 128
      Refresh response header, 152, 155
      status 206 (Partial Content), 128
      Retry After response header, 152
      status 300 (Multiple Choices), 128
      Server response header, 152
      status 301 (Moved Permanently), 
      Set Cookie response header, 153
128 29
      Trailer response header, 153
      status 302 (Found), 129 30
      Transfer Encoding response 
      status 303 (See Other), 130
header, 153
      status 304 (Not Modified), 130
      Upgrade response header, 153
      status 305 (Use Proxy), 130
      Vary response header, 153
      status 307 (Temporary Redirect), 
      Via response header, 153
      Warning response header, 153
      status 400 (Bad Request), 131
      WWW Authenticate response 
      status 401 (Unauthorized), 131
header, 154
      status 403 (Forbidden), 131
   persistent HTTP connections, using, 
      status 404 (Not Found), 131 32
163 67
      status 405 (Method Not Allowed), 
   setting from servlets, 143 45
HttpServlet, 21 22, 51
      status 406 (Not Acceptable), 132
HttpServletRequest, 22, 66 68, 70, 94, 
      status 407 (Proxy Authentication 
101, 129, 186, 244, 354 56, 357, 376, 
Required), 132
      status 408 (Request Timeout), 133
HttpServletResponse, 22, 26, 109, 
      status 409 (Conflict), 133
124 25, 134, 144, 148, 151, 168, 169, 
      status 410 (Gone), 133
186, 354, 355, 375, 442
      status 411 (Length Required), 133
HttpSession, 235, 245, 303
      status 412 (Precondition Failed), 
HttpSessionBindingListener inter 
face, 206
      status 413 (Request Entity Too 
HTTP status codes, 122 41, 353
Large), 133
   HTTP 1.1, 126 35
      status 414 (Request URI Too Long), 
      categories of, 126
      status 100 (Continue), 127
      status 415 (Unsupported Media 
      status 101 (Switching Protocols), 
Type), 134
127, 153
      status 416 (Requested Range Not 






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