   ACTION attribute, 390 91
getCreationTime method, 204
   ENCTYPE attribute, 391 93
getDateHeader method, 95
   METHOD attribute, 391
getDomain method, 184
   ONRESET attribute, 395
getEnclosingWriter method, 334
   ONSUBMIT attribute, 395
getFoo method, 290
   TARGET attribute, 395
GetForm.html, 387 88
forward method, 357, 376
getGraphics method, 169
Forwarding requests, 354 58
getHeader method, 94 95
   alternative means of getting a 
getHeaderNames method, 95
RequestDispatcher, 358
getHeaders method, 95
   from JavaServer Pages (JSP), 380 81
getId method, 204
   interpreting relative URLs in the des 
getInputStream method, 68
tination page, 357 58
getIntHeader method, 95
   supplying information to the destina 
getItem method, 205
tion pages, 355 57
getLastAccessedTime method, 204
   using static resources, 354 55
getLastModified method, 44 45, 102
Foxtrot, 182
getMaxAge method, 184, 374
getMaxInactiveInterval method, 204, 
From request header, 101
206, 472
getMessage method, 292, 468 70
getMethod method, 95
getNamedDispatcher method, 358, 
Gefion Software, 13
getName method, 184
getAttribute method, 155, 203, 245, 
getNumPassengers method, 288
303, 376
getOutputStream method, 168, 169
getAttributeName method, 320
getParameter method, 66 67, 69, 298
getAuthType method, 94
getParameterNames method, 66 68, 
getBodyContent method, 334, 344
getBufferSize method, 26, 124
getParameterValues method, 66 67, 
getColumnCount method, 466
70, 357
getColumnName method, 466
getPath method, 185
getColumnType method, 466
getProtocol method, 95 96
getComment method, 183 84
getQueryResults method, 473
getContentLength method, 94
getReader method, 67, 334
getContentType method, 95, 101
getRemoteUser method, 94
getCookie method, 190
getRequestDispatcher method, 355, 
getCookies method, 94
375, 376
getCookieValue method, 190
getRequestProtocol method, 78






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