   with specified names, finding, 190 91
Content Length request header, 94, 
   user identification during e commerce 
session, 180
Content Length response header, 147 
   and username/password, 180
48, 164
coreservlets.tags.ExampleTag, 312
Content Location response header, 
coreservlets.LongLivedCookie, 249
coreservlets package, 292
Content MD5 response header, 148
coreservlets.ServletUtilities, 249
Content Range response header, 148
coreservlets.tags package, 312
CONTENT_TYPE CGI variable, 116
Core Web Programming, xxii, 215
contentType attribute, page directive, 
createImage method, 168
251 57
Cross site scripting attack, 87
ContentType.jsp, 252
csajsp:condition element, 350 1
Content Type request header, 22, 95, 
csajsp:debug element, 332 34
101, 123
csajsp:else element, 350 1
Content Type response header, 148 49, 
csajsp:example element, 314
168, 251
csajsp:filter element, 336 7
Cookie request header, 93 4, 101, 186
csajsp:heading element, 328, 334
Cookies, 178 97, 200, 353
csajsp:if element, 350 1
   attributes, 183 85
csajsp:prime element, 323, 334, 341
   basic cookie utilities, 190 91
csajsp:repeat element, 340 1
   benefits of, 179 81
csajsp:simplePrime element, 318
   creating, 183
csajsp taglib.tld, 312, 317 18, 321 22, 
   customized search engine interface, 
327 28, 331, 336, 340, 349 50
191 97
csajsp:then element, 350 1
   examples of setting/reading, 186 90
CustomizedSearchEngines.java, 193 
   and focused advertising, 181
   long lived cookies, creating, 191
CustomizedSearchEngines servlet, 
   placing in response headers, 186
191 97
   privacy problems, 181 82
Custom JSP tag libraries, 308 51
   problems with, 181 82
   assigning attributes to tags, 319 23
   reading from client, 186
   basic tag, defining, 314 19
   ServletUtilities.java, 191
   inclusion of tag body, 323 29
   servlet cookie API, 183 86
      optional, 329 33
   and session tracking, 199 200
   JSP file, 313 14, 318 19
   SetCookies.java, 187 88
      attribute support, 322 23
   setting/reading, 186 90
      inclusion of tag body, 328 29
   ShowCookies.java, 188 89
      manipulating the tag body, 336 37
   and site customization, 180
      multiple inclusion of tag body, 341






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