Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
Chapter 7 Generating the Server Response: HTTP Response Headers
that the document has finished loading by monitoring the number of bytes
received, and reconnects on the same socket for further transactions. Persis 
tent connections of this type became standard in HTTP 1.1, and compliant
servers are supposed to use persistent connections unless the client explicitly
instructs them not to (either by a  
Connection: close
  request header or
indirectly by sending a request that specifies 
 instead of 
and does not also stipulate  
Connection: keep alive
Servlets can take advantage of persistent connections if the servlets are
embedded in servers that support them. The server should handle most of
the process, but it has no way to determine how large the returned document
is. So the servlet needs to set the 
Content Length
 response header by
means of 
. A servlet can determine the size of
the returned document by buffering the output by means of a 
, retrieving the number of bytes with the byte stream's 
method, then sending the buffered output to the client by passing the serv 
let's output stream to the byte stream's 
Using persistent connections is likely to pay off only for servlets that load a
large number of small objects, where those objects are also servlet generated
and would thus not otherwise take advantage of the server's support for per 
sistent connections. Even so, the advantage gained varies greatly from Web
server to Web server and even from Web browser to Web browser. For exam 
ple, the default configuration for Sun's Java Web Server is to permit only five
connections on a single HTTP socket: a value that is too low for many appli 
cations. Those who use this server can raise the limit by going to the adminis 
tration console, selecting  Web Service  then  Service Tuning,  then entering
a value in the  Connection Persistence  window. 
Listing 7.6 shows a servlet that generates a page with 100 
 tags (see
Figure 7 4 for the result). Each of the 
 tags refers to another servlet
, shown in Listing 7.7) that reads a GIF file from the server
system and returns it to the client. Both the original servlet and the 
 servlet use persistent connections unless instructed not to do so
by means of a parameter in the form data named 
 with a
value of 
. With Netscape 4.7 and a 28.8K dialup connection to talk to the
Solaris version of Java Web Server 2.0 (with the connection limit raised above
100), the use of persistent connections reduced the average download time
between 15 and 20 percent. 
Second edition of this book:; Sequel:
Servlet and JSP training courses by book's author:






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