Servlets & Servers
faster, for the Port number, sincerely I don t 
remember the standard port, but look into the SQL Server documentation and you
will find it.
by Davide
Whenever I compile my servlets it always says "can t find package javax.*" even
though I downloaded the JSDK. Where the JSDK files so it ll find that package?
Answer:  There are no classes in the javax.* package. There are classes in
javax.servlet.* and javax.servlet.http.*, but neither are really related to javax.*   
importing javax.* won t affect them. You should import the packages that you really
want to use!
 Q: I have a list of html links on a web page, and I want to be able to call a servlet
based on what the user clicked on...
I used:
for each link, and I want the servlet to display information based on what the user
clicked on. If the user click on an applet link, I want the Servlet to print, "You just
clicked on an
applet", etc.
My question is, how do I send information to a servlet, based on what html link the
user clicked on? I know i can use getParamaterValue() for getting information off of
forms, but I m not sure how to do this with html tags.
Answer:  Change the link to:
In the servlet, use request.getParameter("click") to retrieve the value.
Give each link a unique "click" value and that will tell you what was
B Russell
 Q: I m looking for a Java HTTP server framework that can be used and modified
for a project I m going to be working on.
My boss asked me what the equivalent in Java was that IIS was in the Windows
world or Apache was in the UNIX. I ve looked at Jigsaw, but am wondering if anyone
out there knows of other source would be great. Thanks in advance
for any input.
Answer: There are other pure Java web servers, like the Apache PicoServer, 
Jetty ( ???). Perhaps you could take one of those to write a http
block for the Apache Server Framework avalon ( )
Another tip is to search sourceforge for web servers.
Glen Shelly
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