Servlets & Servers
the content
// length is the length of the byte array
con.setRequestProperty("Content length", String.valueOf(bytes.length));
// Write the parameters to the URL output stream
OutputStream out = con.getOutputStream();
// Read the response
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
   while (true) {
       String line = in.readLine();
       if (line == null) break;
Phil Hanna
Author of Instant Java Servlets
I am writing an application, using Java Servlets, which requires me to set and
read cookies. It works okay, but fails if I set the domain of the cookie to something
other than the current server.
I am writing an application, using Java Servlets, which requires me to set and read
Using the servlet API, and the javax.servlet.http.Cookie class. 
I created a new cookie, and added it to the http response, using its addCookie()
method. It works okay, but fails if I use the setDomain method, on the newly created
cookie, to set the domain of the cookie to something other than the current server.
Answer:  I suspect that is not a legal operation for any browser to 
accept a cookie that has a domain inconsistent with the source
of the cookie.
by William Brogden
I am working on weblogic server 5.1 with MsSQLSERVER7 i am able to load the
driver but it says unable to get socket connection
I am working on weblogic server 5.1 with MsSQLSERVER7 i am able to load the
driver but it says unable to get socket connection.It says connect to the
MSSQLSERVER s host and port no.
How do I get these name and value.
Answer: The MS Sql Server s host is usually the name or ip of the server that run
SQL Server, if you know the IP (ping ), put the IP in it, it will be
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