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 Servlets & Servers
 Q: The first thing is that i don t know how to do to create Servlets ... no more
precisely, I don t know how to compile it !!
It says that it doesn t find the packages (javax I think) ... 
Plz, could someone tell me exactly what I should put on my environment variables
(Class_path, path, java_home etc...)
Answer: Well, I also started to learn about servlets. I recently downloaded JDK1.3.0
and Apache Tomcat 3.1.0 .
I set the following paths.
CLASSPATH = %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\examples\WEB INF\classes\work; 
   (my working directory)
   (or wherever you installed tomcat)
   appended tomcat bin path to the path statement)
I also copied the servlet.jar found in the tomcat bin directory to both:
C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\lib\ext\
I hope this helps....
Gregory Pedder
 Q: Any simple server I can download to run my java servlets...
Try Resin,
Try tomcat from   pure Java, 
servlets 2.2, good stuff! Tomcat is good. It s not fast, but it s very easy to setup and
good solution for development. Since most heay duty servers do implement SUN
specification, one can migrate application in no time.
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