Miscellaneous I
Answer: In 1.3, you can use Runtime.addShutdownHook(Thread hook)
Q: Where can I find Java   > Native code compilers?
Answer: We just published a list of Java products that lets you do
Java   > Native code compilation:
I have a directory having class files arranged in package hierarcy. How can I
make the executable of this whole directory?
Any application available for that in Windows NT environment.
Answer: Make a JAR file out of it and add a manifest file that indicates which main()
method of which class must be called.
Double clicking this JAR file will run your application.
Q: I m interested in writing a little mp3 player in Java...
I m interested in writing a little mp3 player in java. I have an entirely different app
right now that plays sound (wav files), and I substituted an mp3 file for one of the
waves but it didn t work. Can anyone tell me if java even supports mp3 files?
Answer: Go to the "Products & APIs" section of java.sun.com and look for JMF (Java
Media Framework). It s a library that also supports reading MP3 files.
Q: Are there any tools out there that will convert a program writen in C to JAVA?
Answer: Yes.
http://www.novosoft us.com/NS2B.nsf/w1/C2J
C2J has successfully compiled itself as well as programs such as PGP and YACC.
Obviously YMMV.
Based on C2J is a C++ to Java tool: http://sol.pace.edu/~tilevich/c2j.html
Q: Can we create DLLs in java??? if yes How???
Answer: Unfortunately it is impossible. DLL stands for Dynamic Linking Library and
has definite structure inside. DLL is a part of executable code and helps to make an
application for Windows to be more smaller. And more flexible. It is something like
classes but compiled (Java class files are byte codes and JDK compiles them during
the runtime...).
In Java it is not possible to make an executable code. But with third party software
See native compilers on our site. 
But I didn t hear about creating DLLs.
So my answer is: in Java it is not possible, but with third party applications it is
possible theoretically. Although I do not know any compilers that produce DLLs there
is no limitations to do that....
Can someone tell me the difference between the JRE that comes with the J2SDK
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