Series Foreword
HE Java Series books provide definitive reference documentation for Java pro 
grammers and end users. They are written by members of the Java team and pub 
lished under the auspices of JavaSoft, a Sun Microsystems business. The World 
Wide Web allows Java documentation to be made available over the Internet,
either by downloading or as hypertext. Nevertheless, the world wide interest in
Java technology led us to write and publish these books to supplement all of the
documentation at our Web site
To learn the latest about the Java Platform and Environment or download the
latest Java release, visit our World Wide Web site at
. For
updated information about the Java Series, including sample code, errata, and pre 
views of forthcoming books, visit
We would like to thank the Corporate and Professional Publishing Group at
Addison Wesley for their partnership in putting together the Series. Our editor
Mike Hendrickson and his team have done a superb job of navigating us through
the world of publishing. Within Sun Microsystems, the support of James Gosling,
Jon Kannegaard, and Bill Joy ensured that this series would have the resources it
needed to be successful. In addition to the tremendous effort by individual
authors, many members of the JavaSoft team have contributed behind the scenes
to bring the highest level of quality and engineering to the books in the Series. A
personal note of thanks to my children Christopher and James for putting a posi 
tive spin on the many trips to my office during the development of the Series.
Lisa Friendly
Series Editor






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