per capita since it indicates, in an overall sense, whether or not the income per person is rising.  However,
they are not indictors for any specific policy or program but rather indicate the net effects of many
activities, policies and programs (including international, climatic and other events outside the control of
policy makers); they also do not indicate that progress is being made toward a more equitable income
distribution.  None the less, GDP per capita is probably the best single indicator to measure the progress
of Ghana toward its Vision 2020 goal of becoming a middle income country and is, thus, one of the more
important economic measures to monitor.
Expected result  a  (a viable policy reform agenda to increase international competitiveness) for Policy
and Regulatory Reforms of the Sigma One USAID contract under the TIRP project is to increase the
international competitiveness of Ghana.  Thus, the monitoring of exports and imports is essential for
evaluating progress toward achieving this result.  Increased competitiveness should result in larger
exports, especially for nontraditional products.  However, it is also important to maintain and even
increase traditional exports, i.e., to increase their competitiveness since they provide a large share of the
country's foreign exchange earnings.  Thus, it is important to monitor both overall performance of the
export sector and to track what is happening to exports of individual products or categories of products. 
Competitiveness is, essentially, a function of the cost and other factors, including especially economic
policies, related to individual products, although exchange rates, export/import taxes, and other policies
in both Ghana and its actual and potential trading partners are important in determining competitiveness. 
Under Milestone 2.9, a database will be developed to monitor competitiveness; that database will
facilitate the monitoring which this plan encompasses.
Expected results b and c (ongoing participation of private sector in the policy dialogue and change
process; increased public knowledge of policy reforms) involve enhancing the policy process by inducing
greater participation of public and private sector businesses in policy dialogue and development.  The
result will be an improved policy making process as these activities become institutionalized; this,
however, is a process that will take time.  Thus, the monitoring for these two results will be through
achievement of program milestones that encompass holding conferences, forums, workshops, and
seminars, through the development of newsletters and other forms of disseminating information; and
through monitoring of newspapers, magazines and other media to determine the effectiveness of the
policy dialogue process in improving the quantity and quality of the information being distributed, as well
as the sophistication of the media representations of the issues under consideration.  In addition, focus
groups will be utilized to help determine if greater understanding is being attained by different
socioeconomic groups, people in the various regions, and by gender.  These approaches also will be
supplemented by rapid survey methods and informal interviews with businesses, including
microenterprises, importers, exporters, manufacturers, financial firms, etc.
Expected result  d  (implementation plans for agreed upon policy reforms) is concerned with developing
plans to implement the aggreed upon policy and regulatory reforms.  Monitoring this aspect of the
program will involve documentation of the developement of plans for implementing the reforms and will
consist primarily of those involved achieving Milestones 1.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 and 2.20.
Expected result e (streamlined procedures for importation of agricultural and industrial inputs) will be
monitored through determination of changes in the laws and regulations on imports to streamline and
simplify the process.  Then, to determine the effectiveness of the changes, the importation of agricultural
and industrial imports will be monitored to determine increases in the quantities imported and/or
decreases in the real prices of those imports.  Timeliness of importations also needs to be evaluated since,






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