following information will be provided: titles of specific activities for achieving the milestone,
name(s) of person(s) or groups carrying out the specific activity, resources used,
accomplishments, and a list of any documentation for those accomplishments (this last item is
essential for all milestones completed during the month).  In addition to a listing of the
activities, a short narrative will be included to summarize the achievements made during the
month.  Another section of the report will list the activities that will be carried out during the
next month.  The final section will cover any problems or issues that have arisen and that have
the potential for affecting achievement of the programmed activities with an indication of the
approach(s) to be used to alleviate the problem or resolve the issue.
The annual reports and, when appropriate, the quarterly or monthly reports, will also report on
the policy reforms that have been implemented and any documented impacts of t hose reforms
on the Ghanaian economy.
F. Income Distribution and Gender Issues
While the Improved Policy Reform and Financial Intermediation program does not directly
address either income distribution or gender issues, it is expected to contribute to 
improvements in both income distribution and in the economic situation for women in the
economy.  The contribution to poverty reduction will be through more rapid economic growth
with its concomitant creation of employment, resulting in reductions in unemployment and
underemployment which are important contributors to poverty.
As important players in the Ghanaian economy, especially in the informal sector, women are
expected to benefit from the increased business opportunities that economic growth will
produce.  In addition, the creation of additional jobs in the formal sector should enable more
women to shift to that sector where, in addition to higher incomes, they will receive social
security, health coverage and other fringe benefits.
G. Annual Evaluations Of Progress Toward Milestones
An internal evaluation of progress toward achievement of the milestones of the project will be
made at or near the end of each project year, June 30, 1999, 2000, etc.   A U.S. consultant
with monitoring and evaluation expertise will be contracted to assist with this process and to
the annual evaluation of progress toward achievement of this milestone (1.15)..   
III. Process Monitoring Plan
The process portion of the monitoring plan is based on the milestones of the AID/SigmaOne
contract and is used to track the progress of the project, help assure that objectives of the
contract are being met, provide a mechanism for recording, reporting and verifying results
achieved, and indicating problems and issues that need to be addressed by field or home office
personnel.  They consist of two tasks with two activities under each task; these tasks are
numbered 1 4, each activity is subdivided into several milestones.  This portion of the
monitoring plan is based on the Performance Award Fee Milestone Plan of the project






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