server_name stands for the name or IP address of the database server 
database_path stands for the absolute location of the database file 
In order to allow all the clients to access the database, you have to change their connection string 
respectively. You can use the AVGW/CONNECT parameter for the connection of already installed clients. 
7.13 Converting the AVG DataCenter to a Different Database 
AVG TCP Server installation does not automatically convert any existing AVG DataCenter to a different 
database format. If the database engine is changed, it is usually desirable to convert all existing settings 
and results to the new database. 
It is always possible to convert the AVG DataCenter from one AVG DataCenter to another using the 
Export/Import functions. From within AVGADMIN it is possible to export the AVG DataCenter to a 
portable text format, and then (having switched to the new AVG DataCenter) import the data using the 
AVGADMIN Import function. 
AVG TCP Server also comes with a tool named CloneDC that can be used for a fast and efficient AVG 
DataCenter conversion. This tool can be found in the AVG TCP Server program directory. CloneDC 
directly copies all the necessary data from one database to another. It does not use the AVG TCP Server 
but rather accesses both the source and the target database server directly. Therefore it is necessary for 
the AVG TCP Server to be stopped during this conversion, and that both the source and the target 
database engine is accessible via its native methods (e.g. Firebird engine and ODBC data source). 
CloneDC also requires that both the source and the target database contain the AVG DataCenter 
database structure and that the versions are the same. Therefore it may be necessary to upgrade the 
source AVG DataCenter using the AVGADMIN program before running the conversion. 
CloneDC can be launched with two parameters: 
where the source and the target DC specify full direct connection strings to the respective AVG 
DataCenter. Some samples of CloneDC command line follow: 
CloneDC direct=firebird;dbq=avgdb.fdb 
 "Driver={SQL Server};Server=dbserver;Database=AVG;Uid=sa;Pwd=" 
this command launches conversion from the default Firebird SQL database (using the default embedded 
engine) to MS SQL Server. The name of the server with MS SQL is dbserver, the user name is sa and 
there is no password set for this account 
CloneDC direct=firebird;dbq=localhost:avgdb.fdb  
"Driver={SQL Server};Server=dbserver;Database=AVG;Uid=sa;Pwd=" 
this is the same conversion, only using a local standalone Firebird SQL database engine rather than the 
embedded one. Note that the standalone Firebird requires that the server name localhost is specified 
because the client libraries can generally connect to a different computer across the network 
Copyright (c) 1992 2005 GRISOFT, s.r.o. All rights reserved. 






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