4 Hints and advanced tips  
4   Hints and advanced tips
This section gives a few hints and tips
which may be useful to you when you
make recordings using the Porta02.
Recording techniques
Learning how to record is an art, not a
you, and there are several good books on
science. One of the best teachers is expe 
the subject which can explain the theory
rience. However, there are a few things
of recording and some of the techniques.
mentioned here which may be useful to
4.1.1 Recording electric guitars
Much of the sound of an electric guitar
4.1.2 Recording with effects
(and also bass) is due to the effects,
Professional recordings often use effects
amplifier and speakers, as well as the gui 
like digital reverberation on vocals, etc.
tar and style of playing. If you plug the
You can add some of these effects by
guitar straight into the Porta02, you will,
plugging the microphone into an effects
of course, be able to record it, but the
unit, and plugging the unit into the
sound will probably not be what you are
Porta02. Note that the effects unit must
used to.
be able to accept microphone level sig 
nals, and will output to the Porta02 at
Plugging effects units between the guitar
and the Porta02 will certainly help to pro 
duce a fuller sound. The sound which
In addition, you will need to use the inter 
will come closest to a live sound, though,
nal balance control in the unit to decide
will be provided by the amplifier itself.
how much of the  dry  (un effected)
sound will be passed through to the
You can adopt one of two approaches:
Porta02 for recording.
either to put a microphone in front of the
guitar speaker and record this (at 
If you do not have access to a reverbera 
level), or to connect the output of the pre 
tion unit, you can try recording vocals in
.amplifier to the Porta02 and record at
a very  live  room (without much furni 
Do not connect the speaker output (or head 
phone output, if provided) of the amplifier to 
the Porta02. This will almost certainly dam 
age the Porta02, and may damage the ampli 
fier. Only use outputs which are marked 
and so on. Avoid using any outputs marked 
or the like.






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