S E C U R I T Y  
usersProperties=string: (2.4.5+) The name of the properties resource containing 
the username to password mappings. This defaults to users.properties. 
rolesProperties=string: (2.4.5+) The name of the properties resource containing the 
username to roles mappings. This defaults to roles.properties. 
A sample login configuration entry that assigned unauthenticated users the principal name 
"nobody" and contains based64 encoded, MD5 hashes of the passwords in a 
"usersb64.properties" file is: 
             flag = "required"> 
o r g . j b o s s . s e c u r i t y . a u t h . s p i . L d a p L o g i n M o d u l e  
The LdapLoginModule is a LoginModule implementation that authenticates against an 
LDAP server using JNDI login using the login module configuration options. You would use 
the LdapLoginModule if your username and credential information are store in an LDAP 
server that is accessible using a JNDI LDAP provider. 
The LDAP connectivity information is provided as configuration options that are passed 
through to the environment object used to create JNDI initial context. The standard LDAP 
JNDI properties used include the following: 
java.naming.factory.initial, The classname of the InitialContextFactory 
implementation. This defaults to the Sun LDAP provider implementation 
java.naming.provider.url, The ldap URL for the LDAP server 
java.naming.security.authentication, The security level to use. This defaults to 
java.naming.security.protocol, The transport protocol to use for secure access, 
such as, ssl 






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