Chapter 7 Security
Securing the Transport Layer
SSL and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are key technologies in Web service inter 
actions, and it is important to understand how to establish an SSL/TLS protected
interaction and authenticate clients. Note that TLS is an enhanced specification
based on SSL. References to SSL refer to both SSL and TLS.
SSL is a standard mechanism for Web services that is available on virtually all
application servers. This widely used, mature technology, which secures the com 
munication channel between client and server, can satisfy many use cases for
secure Web service communications. Since it works at the transport layer, SSL
covers all information passed in the channel as part of a message exchange
between a client and a service, including attachments. 
Authentication is an important aspect of establishing an HTTPS connection.
The J2EE platform supports the following authentication mechanisms for Web
services using HTTPS:
  The server authenticates itself to clients with SSL and makes its certificate 
  The client uses basic authentication over an SSL channel.
  Mutual authentication with SSL, using the server certificate as well as the cli 
ent certificate, so that both parties can authenticate to each other.
While browser based Web applications rely on these same authentication
mechanisms when accessing a Web site, Web services scenarios have some addi 
tional considerations. With Web services, the interaction use case is usually
machine to machine; that is, it is an interaction between two application compo 
nents with no human involvement. Machine to machine interactions have a differ 
ent trust model from typical Web site interactions. In a machine to machine
interaction, trust must be established proactively, since there can be no real time
interaction with a user about whether to trust a certificate. Ordinarily, when a user
interacts with a Web site via a browser and the browser does not have the certifi 
cate for the site, the user is prompted about whether to trust the certificate. The
user can accept or reject the certificate at that moment. With Web services, the
individuals involved in the deployment of the Web service interaction must dis 
tribute and exchange the server certificate, and possibly the client certificate if
mutual authentication is required, prior to the interaction occurrence. Since an
interoperable standard for Web service certificate distribution and exchange does






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