tying, 56 63
numeric comparison operations, symbols 
using, 22 24, 29
for, 49
using CVS with, 151 152
numification, overloading, 51
using PPM utility with, 19
using require statements with, 23
writing with Inline::C, 240
modules menu, displaying, 6 7
(O) notation in DSLIP, meaning of, 9, reading messages sent to, 
OBJECT key, failing to specify in Makefile.PL 
file, 210
mortalizing objects, advisory about, 196 197
object methods in OO
mutators, using, 42 43, 85 92
calling with tied variables, 59
explanation of, 39
Perl equivalent of, 38
object oriented modules, using, 35 48
\n escape code, usage of, 122
object vocabulary, table of, 38
name, browsing CPAN by, 12
name parameter subroutines, implementing 
advisory about mortalization of, 
in functional interfaces, 77
196 197
NAME section of modules, purpose of, 67
basing on references, 52
named parameters
purpose of, 36
Inline::C support for, 246 247
referencing by variables from other 
supporting in XS, 221 225
scopes, 193 194
namespace pollution, explanation of, 80
objects in OO, Perl equivalent of, 38
namespaces, registering for modules, 
OO interfaces, inheritance or composition in, 
131 134
82 84
Net::FTP module, features of, 170
OO modules
Net::FTPServer module, functionality of, 120
benefits of, 74
new() method
using, 38 39
advisory to C++ programmers about, 39
OO (object oriented) programming, 
using with class data, 44
vocabulary cheat sheet for, 38
using with Class:Struct module, 88 90
opaque types, SV as, 177
using with instance parameters in 
operations, table of, 49
CGI::Application module, 268
out.make file, using with Inline::C, 239 240
New() wrapper, using with malloc(), 202
OUTPUT blocks
newAV() function, using, 184
using with typemaps, 234
newcount.patch file, working with, 145 146
using with XSUBs, 218
newRV_inc() function, using, 190
output() method, using with advanced 
NEWSV C macro, creating SVs with, 177 178
version of CGI::Application 
NEXTKEY() method, using with tied hashes, 
module, 267
=over POD command, using, 69
NOCLEAN option, using with Inline::C, 239
overload Fine Manual, contents of, 64
nomethod key, using with auto 
overloadable operations, table of, 49
generation, 55
overloaded modules, using, 48 56. See also 
Nullch argument, using with RVs, 191
functional modules, module 
numbered lists, using with 
distributions, modules, portable 
documentation, 69
overloading versus tying, 57, 63






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