G file generated by, 100 101
files generated by, 100
G_ARRAY C constant, using with subroutines, 
generating module distributions with, 
98 100
g_free(), role in managing memory usage by 
generating XS code with, 211
Gnome::MIME example XSUBs, 219
generating XS modules with, 206
GET URL option, uploading new module 
Makefile.PL generated by, 106
distributions with, 136
MANIFEST file generated by, 112
get_set key, using with Class::MethodMaker 
README generated by, 110 111
module, 90 91 generated by, 109
GIMME_V C macro, using with XSUBs, 230
hash value data type. See HV* (hash value) C 
GList* typemap, code for, 233
data type
GList_to_AVref() function, including in 
MIME.xs file, 234 235
functionality of, 61 62
glob value data type. See GV* (glob value) C 
role in symbol tables and packages, 25
data type
tying, 60 63
global destruction, explanation of, 34
using fh and level keys with, 41
Gnome MIME API, accessing key/value pairs 
using references to, 37
with, 225 226 script, code for, 28
gnome_mime_type() function
Help desks, maintaining, 140
calling from Perl, 217
Hietaniemi, Jarkko and CPAN, 3
providing wrapper for, 214 216
home directories, removing when using 
using with Inline::C, 243 244
modules, 30
Gnome::MIME module
features of, 205
benefits of, 267
generating skeleton with Inline::C, 240
message entry screen implemented 
with, 266
implementing with XSUB, 226 227
result of adding of filter option to, 143
with multiple value return, 229 230
tags used with, 267
GNU Mailman, creating mailing lists with, 
HTML::Template::JIT module distribution, 
141 142
contents of, 116
Gnu tar, decompressing modules with, 96
HTTP upload, using with new module 
GPL (General Public License), choosing, 127
distributions, 135
Guile module, purpose of, 120 121
hub and spoke topology, diagram of, 4
GV* (glob value) data type, full name and 
HV* (hash value) data type
example in Perl, 176
clearing, 189
gzip utility, decompressing CPAN modules 
creating, 187
with, 17
features of, 187 189
fetching values from, 187
full name and example in Perl, 176
h2xs   X   n Gnome::MIME, files generated by, 
inspecting reference counts with, 194
storing values in, 189
h2xs  XA  n Gnome::MIME, files generated 
hv_fetch() function, using, 187 188
by, 240
hv_interinit() call, making, 188 189
h2xs program
hv_internextsv() call, making, 188 189
alternatives to, 121
hybrid licenses, Perl license as, 127
Changes file generated by, 111






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