anonymous arrays, using with references, 37
$arg placeholder variables, using with 
\ (backslash) operator, using with references, 36
typemaps, 234
 > (arrow operator), using, 38 39
arithmetic operations, symbols for, 49
. (dot), using in filenames, 124
array variables. See AV* (array value) data type. 
:: (double colon)
arrays, using references with, 36 37. See also
meaning of, 12
AV* (array value) data type
using with symbol tables, 25
arrow notation, using with references, 37
& operator, using with SVs in C, 183
arrow operator ( >), using, 38 39
() (parentheses), using with File::Find, 23
Artistic License, choosing, 127
$ (dollar) symbol, using with references, 36
[ask] default answer in CPAN modules, 
$self, usage of, 41
selecting, 14 15
+ (plus sign), meaning in unified diff 
at sign (@), using with references, 36 37
format, 146
attributes, explanation of, 41
++, overloading, 51 52
author, browsing CPAN by, 11
  (minus) sign, meaning in unified diff format, 
AUTHOR section of modules
in Makefile.PL, 108
  , overloading, 51 52
purpose of, 67
< (left angle bracket), using with single file 
auto generation, using with overload methods, 
patches, 145
54 55
= (equal sign)
AUTOLOAD() method, using with accessor 
appearance before POD commands, 67
mutators, 86 87
overloading, 55 56
AV* (array value) C data type. See also arrays
> (right angle bracket), using with single file 
clearing, 187
patches, 145
creation of, 184
@ (at sign), using with references, 36 37
features of, 184
@ATTRIBUTES package variable, using with 
fetching values from, 184 186
accessor mutators, 86
full name and example in Perl, 176
@INC, modifying for usage with modules, 29
inspecting reference counts with, 194
storing values in, 186 187
explained, 45
av_clear() function, using, 187
using with DynaLoader, 207
av_exists(), testing AV indexes with, 184 185
[] (square brackets), using with references, 37
av_len(), checking array lengths with, 185
{} (curly braces), using with references, 37
av_make() function, using, 184
00whois.html file, contents of, 11
av_pop(), usage of, 186
av_push(), adding elements to ends of arrays 
with, 186
 A option, using with cvs update command, 158
av_shift(), writing destructive version of for loop 
accessors, using, 42 43, 85 92
with, 185 186
ActivePerl PPM utility, usage of, 19
av_unshift(), using, 186 187
anonymous access, using with CVS 
repositories, 151






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