Chapter 9
To start with, I'll define the back end XSUBs in a separate package using the 
PACKAGE command on the MODULE line:
MODULE = Gnome::MIME   PACKAGE = Gnome::MIME::Backend   PREFIX = gnome_mime_
After this line every XSUB defined will have its Perl interface defined in the 
Gnome::MIME::Backend package. An XS file can contain any number of such 
lines and PACKAGEs, although only one MODULE may be used.
Then each of the functions is wrapped in the plain style shown earlier:
const char *
  char * filename
const char *
gnome_mime_type_or_default(filename, default)
  char * filename
  char * default
const char *
  char * filename
const char *
gnome_mime_type_of_file_or_default(filename, default)
  char * filename
  char * default
The Perl code to implement the named parameter interface is then added to
use Carp qw(croak);
sub file_type {
  croak("Usage: Gnome::MIME::file_type(k => v, ...)") if @_ % 2;
  my %args = @_;
  # check for bad parameter names
  my %allowed = map { $_, 1 } qw(filename default_type read_file);
  for (keys %args) {
    croak("Unknown key found in Gnome::MIME::file_type parameter list: $_")
      unless exists $allowed{$_};






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