Writing C Modules with XS
After adding this XSUB to the end of MIME.xs, I'll edit my test.pl to read 
as follows:
use Test::More  no_plan ;
BEGIN { use_ok( Gnome::MIME ); }
# test some simple mime type recognitions
is(Gnome::MIME::gnome_mime_type("foo.gif"),   image/gif ,  "recognizes .gif");
is(Gnome::MIME::gnome_mime_type("foo.jpg"),   image/jpeg , "recognizes .jpg");
is(Gnome::MIME::gnome_mime_type("foo.html"),  text/html ,  "recognizes .html");
Now a normal perl Makefile.PL, make, and make test run will build and test the 
new module.
XSUB Anatomy
As you can see in the preceding section, an XSUB resembles a C function signature 
in K&R format. The first line contains the return type of the function. Then comes 
a line containing the function name and a list of parameters. Finally, a line per 
parameter specifies the type of each parameter. Here's an annotated version of the 
previous example (note that XS doesn't actually allow comments inline with 
XSUBs, so this won't compile):
char *                     # returns a string
gnome_mime_type(filename)  # takes a single parameter named filename
     char *filename        # filename is a string
This is the simplest possible type of XSUB it maps a C function directly to a 
Perl function with the same parameters and return type. The xsubpp compiler takes 
this definition and produces C code in the generated MIME.c (see Listing 9 5). This 
C code makes use of functions in the Perl API introduced in the previous chapter. 
For example, to translate the incoming SV into a char *, MIME.c contains this line:
char *   filename = (char *)SvPV(ST(0),PL_na);
The ST macro provides access to the argument array of an XSUB, but the rest of the 
call should be familiar.






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