Perl Module Basics
sub level {
   my ($self, $level) = @_;
   if (@_ == 2) {
      croak("Argument to level() must be a non negative integer!")
         unless $level =~ /^\d+$/;
      $self >{level} = $level;
   return $self >{level};
It might seem convenient to allow users to simply access the hash keys directly:
$logger >{level} = 100;  # works, but not a good idea
The problem with this is that it breaks the encapsulation of your class. You are no 
longer free to change the implementation of BOA::Logger you can't change the 
class to use an array underneath or change the keys of the hash. Also, you can't per 
form any checking of the value set for an attribute. As a general rule, all access to 
an object oriented class should be through methods, either class methods or 
object methods.
The non OO version of BOA::Logger had a useful feature that this version lacks 
it prints a message when the program exits. You can provide this by setting up a 
destructor for the class. Destructors are the opposite of constructors they are 
called when an object is no longer being used.
 They can perform cleanup actions, 
such as closing file handles. To create a destructor, simply define a method called 
   my $self = shift;
   $self >write($self >{level}, "BOA log exited: " . localtime(time) . "\n");
   $self >{fh} >close() or die "Unable to close log file : $!";
Class Data
By now you know that BOA is a big ol' application. As such, there are many modules 
that will want to write to the same log file. With the example OO implementation, 
14. When the last variable holding a reference to the object goes out of scope, or at program 
exit whichever comes first






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