Playing the movie
Congratulations! You have just created a zoom movie. Let s have a look at it.
Move the time slider slowly back to frame 1.
Note that the fractal window immediately recalculates as soon as you move the slider to show how 
the zoom is interpolated from frame 1 to frame 100. Dragging the time slider back and forth is a 
convenient way of previewing the animation quickly or precisely.
To view a real time preview of the animation, 
click the Play button on the animation bar. The 
  animation will keep looping until you click 
somewhere or hit a key.
The level of detail of the preview depends on the speed 
of your computer   as long as you are using the 
drawing method
. To make the preview faster, 
Most commands on the 
animation bar
you can reduce the size of the fractal window on the 
are also available on the Animation 
Image tab of the 
Fractal Properties tool window
menu, with 
keyboard shortcuts
Any fractal in Ultra Fractal is potentially an animation. As 
you have seen, you can turn any still fractal into an 
The preview is always played with a 
animation by enabling Animate mode and changing the 
fixed frame rate. To change the preview 
fractal in some way.
frame rate, click Options on the Options 
menu to open the 
Options dialog
, and 
Look at the time slider. Two blue dots have appeared, 
click the Fractal tab. The Animation 
one at frame 1, and one at frame 100. If you set the 
preview speed setting is in the 
slider to exactly frame 1 or 100, the corresponding dot 
Advanced calculation options area.
turns into a yellow marker to show that it is at the 
current frame.
See also 
Calculation details
When you make changes to a fractal while Animate mode 
is on, Ultra Fractal records animation keys at the 
current frame, and at frame 1 if there are no animation 
keys yet. The blue dots show at which frames the 
animation keys are located. When you click on a dot, the  
time slider jumps to the frame at which the key was 
Animation keys
Experimenting with Animate mode






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