Installing Snort
Errors While Starting Snort
At this point, if you have compiled Snort by yourself, you may see the following
error when starting Snort:
[!] ERROR: Cannot get write access to logging directory "/var/
(directory doesn t exist or permissions are set incorrectly
or it is not a directory at all)
Fatal Error, Quitting..
This error is due to the fact that you have not created the /var/log/snort
directory. Use the  mkdir /var/log/snort  command and the error will go
If you get an error message like the following, you have not specified the Snort
configuration file name correctly on the command line or you started Snort without
specifying a configuration file name.
Initializing rule chains...
ERROR: Unable to open rules file: /root/.snortrc or /root//
Fatal Error, Quitting..
Note that you can run Snort without specifying a configuration file name if one of
the following conditions is true:
1. You are in the same directory where the configuration file exists when you start
2. You have copied the configuration file in your home directory as .snortrc.
Testing Snort
After starting Snort, you need to know if it is actually capturing data and logging
intruder activity. If you started Snort in the foreground with the   A console  com 
mand line option, you will start seeing alerts on the screen when this script is running.
However, if you have started Snort in the daemon mode and did not use the command
line option mentioned above, alerts will be logged to the /var/log/snort/alert
The following command generates some alerts that you can see on the console or
in the /var/log/snort/alert file. Generation of alerts indicates that Snort is
working properly.






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