Although this manual reflects the most current information possible, you should read the Red Hat
Linux Release Notes for information that may not have been available prior to our documentation
being finalized. The Release Notes can be found on the Red Hat Linux CD #1 and online at the
following URL:
2. Finding Appropriate Documentation
You need documentation that is appropriate to your level of Linux expertise. Otherwise, you might
feel overwhelmed or not find the necessary information to answer your questions. The Official Red
Hat Linux Reference Guide deals with the more technical aspects and options of your Red Hat Linux
system. This section will help you decide whether to look in this manual for the information you need
or consider other Red Hat Linux manuals, including online sources, in your search.
Three different categories of people use Red Hat Linux, and each of these categories require differ 
ent sets of documentation and informative sources. To help you figure out where you should start,
determine your own experience level:
New to Linux
This type of user has never used any Linux (or Linux like) operating system before or has had
only limited exposure to Linux. They may or may not have experience using other operating
systems (such as Windows). Is this you? If so, skip ahead to Section 2.1.
Some Linux Experience
This type of user has installed and successfully used Linux (but not Red Hat Linux) before or may
have equivalent experience with other Linux like operating systems. Does this describe you? If
so, turn to Section 2.2.
Experienced User
This type of user has installed and successfully used Red Hat Linux before. If this describes you,
turn to Section 2.3.
2.1. Documentation For First Time Linux Users
For someone new to Linux, the amount of information available on any particular subject, such as
printing, starting up the system or partitioning your hard drive, can be overwhelming. It helps to
initially step back and gain a decent base of information centered around how Linux works before
tackling these kinds of advanced issues.
Your first goal should be to obtain some useful documentation. This cannot be stressed enough. With 
out documentation, you will only become frustrated at your inability to get your Red Hat Linux system
working the way you want.
You should acquire the following types of Linux documentation:
A brief history of Linux   Many aspects of Linux are the way they are because of historical prece 
dent. The Linux culture is also based on past events, needs or requirements. A basic understanding
of the history of Linux will help you figure out how to solve many potential problems before you
actually see them.






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