,ch14.9433  Page 475  Monday, February 14, 2005  12:55 PM
# T E M P L A T E  E N C O D I N G
input.encoding=ISO 8859 1
output.encoding=ISO 8859 1
# F O R E A C H  P R O P E R T I E S
# These properties control how the counter is accessed in the #foreach
# directive. By default the reference $velocityCount will be available
# in the body of the #foreach directive. The default starting value
# for this reference is 1.
directive.foreach.counter.name = velocityCount
directive.foreach.counter.initial.value = 1
# I N C L U D E  P R O P E R T I E S
# These are the properties that governed the way #include d content
# is governed.
directive.include.output.errormsg.start = 
directive.include.output.errormsg.end   =  see error log   >
# P A R S E  P R O P E R T I E S
directive.parse.max.depth = 10
# global : name of default global library.  It is expected to be in the regular
# template path.  You may remove it (either the file or this property) if
# you wish with no harm.
#dev changes by Marino
webapp.resource.loader.cache = false
velocimacro.library.autoreload = true
velocimacro.library = /WEB INF/VM_global_library.vm,/WEB INF/Validator_library.vm
Integrating Struts and Velocity | 475
This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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