[KDE Custom Restrictions]
5.1.7  Summary
After reading this section you should have quite a good understanding of the 
KDE Kiosk framework and be able to use it in your own Linux client migrations. 
Do not overuse its features though, since the more you configure the more you 
have to maintain later. You certainly know this effect from using the Microsoft 
management console, which gives you a lot of possibilities too. Windows profiles 
cannot be migrated feature wise one by one, so you have to mimic your old 
settings in the new environment; but KDE (and GNOME) offers a lot more (and 
ever expanding) configuration choices.
5.2  GNOME customization
We will customize a GNOME desktop that will be targeted for use by a very light 
office user. The applications we provide are:
For an introduction to how GNOME user profile (personalization) data is 
contained see  Desktop personalization: GNOME containment model  on 
page 220.
Folders are created as a directory structure and are not centralized in one place 
since Linux is a true multi user operating system. In GNOME, the desktop 
directory is hidden and renamed as $HOME/.gnome2.
We manipulate the desktop structure in the following subdirectory:
$HOME/.gnome2/Business Applications
Icons are handled in the same way as they are in KDE. This means that they are 
ASCII text files. You can save them in the $HOME/.gnome2
directory to populate 
the desktop.
5.2.1  GNOME configuration system
The accessibility configuration of the GNOME desktop differs heavily from KDE, 
which uses simple and easy to edit ASCII files. The GNOME desktop uses a 
database, which is represented by Extensible Markup Language (XML) files to 
build and customize all of its settings. These files are numerous and can be 
Linux Client Migration Cookbook   A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide for Migrating to Desktop






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