GMSQP Reference Manual 
(GMC Number & National Code index) 
This application displays a read only cross reference list of national code and GMC 
number details. 
The display may be shown in either GMC number or national code sequence, depending 
on the qualifier. 
Directions to Display the QR Screen 
Enter a key of 
 and a qualifier of either GNC (for national code order) or 
GMC (for GMC number order).  To start the list from a particular point, enter 
`GNC, national code' or `GMC, GMC number' in the qualifier, e.g. to start   the 
list from national code 894085, enter GNC, 894085. 
For principals 
 national code and GMC number are mandatory fields. 
For assistants the GMC number is mandatory; the national code is not  
For trainees the GMC number is the identifying code.  No local code or  
national code is assigned. 
  QR]  GMC No. Index                       Qualifier[GMC,                        ] 
                                                                           page > 
  Nat code   GMC No     GP code 
  100101     1000010    ALM001    EVANS, PETER                             
  901054     1045054    000054    BROWN, GRAHAM 
  910068     1110068    000068    MORRIS, EMMA 
  011111     1111111    NEW1      NEWBERRY, RONALD 
  111112     1111112    PHIL1     JONES, HILDA 
  111113     1111113    ZZZ200    ANDREWS, DUNCAN 
  112233     1122334    ZZZ666    BLAIR, CECIL NICHOLAS 
  894085     1198085    000085    NISSAN, OLIVER 
  895034     1200034    000034    GREEN, EDWARD 
  123123     1212121    JAN2      JENKINS, FRED 
  123432     1231234    JAN12     SAUNDERS, FRANK 
  123892     1232183    2903      SMITH, SIDNEY 
  999999     1234555    KAH111    GODFREY, DANIEL 
  123456     1234567    JAN1      HARRIS, THOMAS 
  123457     1234568    JAN11     JENKS, TONY 
             1234569    TRAIN     PYNE, WILL 
  112390     1239012    2802      JACKSON, SAMUEL 
  128432     1242156    JAN123    JENKS, KAREN 
  123124     1254321    JAN14     JENKINS, JENNY 
  182198     1283912    2702      HOWARD, HENRIETTA 
Figure 1: The QR Screen (in GMC number order)
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