Calling insert/update/delete statement
Any statement that updates the database or inserts and deletes a value in a 
database can be executed using the 
method of the 
statement. Example 7 41 shows the update of the record using the prepared 
statement for MySQL and conversion for DB2 UDB. The change is due to the 
multiple MySQL database that have been merged into one DB2 database and 
grouped by the table schema. If you use 
set schema=
for a connection, 
then nothing needs to be changed.
Example 7 41   MySQL Prepared statement and executeUpdate
// MySQL prepared statement
PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareStatement("update warenkorb set anzahl=? 
,status=? where wk_id=65;");
//DB2 UDB changes for prepared statement
PreparedStatement s = conn.prepareStatement("update itsodb.warenkorb set 
anzahl=? ,status=? where wk_id=65;");
s.setInt (1, 10);
s.setString (2, "working");
int count = s.executeUpdate ();
System.out.println (count + " rows were inserted");
Using connection pooling and data source
The JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API provides the data source interface as an 
alternative to the DriverManager for establishing a connection. When a 
DataSource class has been implemented appropriately, a DataSource object can 
be used to produce Connection objects that participate in connection pooling. 
You can either create a data source in your program or you can get an existing 
data source from the context.
MySQL provides 
, which is a data source implementation of 
MySQL data source. The MySQL data source can be created by calling a default 
 as shown in 
Example 7 42.
Example 7 42   MySQL datasource creation and binding
com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource mysqlds = new 
mysqlds.setDatabaseName( itsodb );
Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
 Chapter 7. Application porting 






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