independent implementation of both the ODBC and X/Open specifications. 
Information about this library can be found at:
unixODBC (
) is an open source project whose 
goals are to develop and promote unixODBC to be the definitive standard for 
ODBC on the Linux platform. 
Unified ODBC
Unified ODBC consists of a single set of ODBC functions provided by PHP to 
access different databases that have borrowed the semantics of ODBC API 
to implement their own API. It is more efficient to use the database native 
database driver because there is no ODBC involved in the communication or 
access path.
ADOdb library provides a wrapper around MySQL API for supporting MySQL 
database, and wrapper around DB2 ODBC Driver for DB2 UDB. So you need 
the Unified ODBC support for using ADOdb libraries.
PEAR DB is the default database abstraction library included in PHP4, and it 
is quite similar to the more popular ADOdb library. As PEAR DB is also a 
wrapper around the DB2 ODBC driver, the Unified ODBC DB2 support must 
be provided for using PEAR DB libraries.
When we talk about ODBC in this section (always Unified ODBC), respectively 
the native DB2 driver is meant. Because of the wide similarities in the syntax 
between Unified ODBC and other ODBC types, and the performance advantage 
when using the Unified ODBC support, the application conversion is discussed 
with the Unified ODBC support.
Converting from native MySQL library to Unified ODBC
Using the Unified ODBC support in PHP applications does not require a special 
load of library files as the support already is integrated during the compilation 
process of PHP. A complete overview about the MySQL and the Unified ODBC 
functions can be found in the 
PHP Manual,
 which can be downloaded at:
Connecting database
Connecting a MySQL database consists of two parts: First a connection to the 
MySQL server has to be established and after that a database can be chosen. 
The function specified to connect the MySQL server is given in the following 
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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