db2_info_wrkstnname  Character string
db2_longdata_compat  Boolean
db2_quiet_mode       Integer
db2_sqlerrp          Character string (read only)
db2_txn_isolation    One of the following:
As in the Mysql.pm connect example, the DBI connect statement returns a 
database handle if the connection has been successfully established. Otherwise, 
the value 
is returned. All further communication with the database server 
takes places through this object.
SELECT query statements
Example 7 19 and Example 7 20 show the differences between the two 
interfaces in using the SELECT statement.
Example 7 19   Select statement used with the Mysql.pm interface
use Mysql;
my $host="localhost";
my $database="itsodb";
my $user="itsosj";
my $password="itsosj";
$dbh = Mysql >connect($host,$database,$password,$user);
$sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM catalog WHERE id= $id ;";
$sth = $dbh >query($sql_statement); 
@arr = $sth >fetchrow;
A DB2 conversion using the DBI interface is shown in Example 7 20.
Example 7 20   Select statement used with the DBI interface
use DBI;
use DBD::DB2::Constants;
use DBD::DB2;
my $user="itsosj";
my $password="itsosj";
$dbh = DBI >connect("dbi:DB2:itsodb2", $username, $password);
$sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM katalog WHERE id= $id ;";
$sth = $dbh >prepare($sql_statement);
$sth >execute();
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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