keyword is as a synonym for 
which is supported by 
INTO {OUTFILE | DUMPFILE}  file_name  export_options
 selection allows you to 
write data to an outfile quickly without invoking the mysqldump utility. The DB2 
command line processor allows you to direct the output of any SELECT 
statement to an operating system file.
LIMIT [offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset 
keyword translates to 
FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY in DB2. An offset to retrieve rows needs to be 
implemented through the WHERE clause if possible.
With the 
the query developer can hint to the 
SQL optimizer the size of the expected result set, and therefore influences the 
optimizer access strategy. Example 7 2 shows how the optimizer hint works.
Example 7 2   MySQL SELECT with optimizer hint
mysql> select sql_small_result * from t1;
DB2 UDB has a similar operator to guide SQL optimizer decisions with a different 
syntax as shown in Example 7 3. Please note that the number of rows is 
Example 7 3   DB2 SELECT with optimizer hit
db2 => select * from t1 optimize for 2 rows
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
7.1.2  JOIN syntax
The join capabilities of a commercial and industrial strength database 
management system are one of the most significant functions. MySQL supports 
the linguistic elements for JOIN as shown in Example 7 4. Various aspects of 
JOINs are discussed below.
Example 7 4   MySQL JOIN Syntax
table_reference, table_reference
table_reference [INNER | CROSS] JOIN table_reference [join_condition]
table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_reference
table_reference LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table_reference [join_condition]
table_reference NATURAL [LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN table_reference
{OJ table_reference LEFT OUTER JOIN table_reference ON conditional_expr }
 Chapter 7. Application porting 






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