If you have any timestamp and a BLOB column, special attention is required for 
them. This is discussed in Chapter 6,  Data porting  on page 127.
 You should not reduce size of any field because it may cause an error 
while porting data.
This also is the time to add any enhancement to your database using the DB2 
features MySQL does not have such as referential integrity. It is very essential 
for the database as it ensures the consistency of data values between related 
columns in different tables. RI is usually maintained by using the primary key, 
unique key, and foreign keys. Primary and unique keys are successfully migrated 
using MTK. As MySQL does not support foriegn keys except for table type 
InnoDB, if you want to use foriegn keys in your database you need to add them 
In our sample application, based on application requirements we created 
referential integrity between tables in the 
 file, which looks like 
Example 5 20.
Example 5 20   Added foreign keys
alter table itsodb.shopping_cart add constraint foreign1 foreign key (user_id)
   references itsodb.users on delete set null
alter table itsodb.catalog add constraint foreign2 foreign key (id)
   references itsodb.shopping_cart on delete set null
alter table itsodb.catalog add constraint foreign1 foreign key (sku)
   references itsodb.oenummer on delete set null
Now we have completed the DDL modification; we executed the above changed 
scripts to create the DB2 database and the objects as shown in Example 5 21. 
Example 5 21   creation of tables and database in DB2 UDB
bash>db2 create database itsodb2
The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully
bash>db2 connect to itsodb2
   Database Connection Information
 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 8.1.4
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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