EEPP Program Support Unit 
EPF Operating Manual   General Principles 
Management Committee (FMC) (as per Article 7 of the Financial Regulations).  The Fund 
Manager is appointed Executive officer of the FMC and is responsible for the following:: 
Issuing executive decrees to implement FMC decisions 
Implementing plans, systems, decrees, and regulations issued by higher authorities 
Organizing the Fund's work, including development of instructions for that purpose 
Carrying out tasks delegated by the FMC or its Chair 
Supervising Fund personnel and managing all Fund activities 
Proposing the Fund's plans for revenue enhancement and presenting it to the FMC 
Developing the Annual Operating Plan and submitting it to the FMC 
Proposing the Fund's overall policy and strategy and preparing the expense budget to be 
presented to the FMC 
FMC Secretariat   The Secretariat function is to support the FMC. This includes providing 
information and other support to FMC members, organizing FMC meetings, distributing 
documents to members prior to meetings, preparing and distributing minutes of FMC 
meetings, following up on FMC decisions, and responding to requests from the FMC.  
Projects Department   The Projects Department is responsible for management and 
implementation of the project cycle for the various funding mechanisms. Activities include: i) 
project identification; ii) management of applications, including communications with 
applicants; iii) review and evaluation of projects; iv) negotiations with applicants; v) 
coordinating among the various involved parties such as banks and technical expertise, vi) 
supervision of the transfer of funds to projects; and, v) project monitoring.  The Projects 
Department cooperates with participating banks on interest rate subsidy and soft loan 
applications.  In addition, the Projects Department supports the Fund Manager and other 
functional departments in developing the Annual Operating Plan, preparing the Annual 
Report, and conducting external communications.  
Administrative/Financial Department   The Administrative/Financial Department is 
responsible for day to day administration and financial transactions of the Fund in 
coordination with the EEAA's Administrative and Financial Department.  This Department is 
responsible for the following activities: i) monitoring and updating all EPF's expense and 
revenue items; ii) preparing the Fund's yearly budgets; iii) preparing all administrative and 
financial reports; iv) evaluating the Fund's financial and administrative performance, v) 
developing and amending administrative and financial procedures; and vi) maintaining the 
Fund's databases (financial, statistical data related to the projects).  
Communication, Policy and Revenue Enhancement Department   This Department's 
functions include a lead role in external communications including public awareness 
campaigns to publicize the Fund and it's various funding programs.  Moreover, this 
Department is responsible for supporting the Fund Manager in developing EPF policies and 
strategies, including implementation of the EPF revenue enhancement strategy.  
The Fund Management Committee 
The Fund Management Committee (FMC) is composed of six members and chaired by the 
Chief Executive Officer of EEAA.  Members include two representatives of EEAA's senior 






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