Operational Systems & Java
Or Use a BufferedReader to read the source file (line by line) and a BufferedWriter to
write the destination file. That way the source line separators will be discarded and
the correct separators (according to the target OS) will be used.
If you only have an InputStream to start with, use InputStreamReader to convert it to
a reader.
 Q: I have a server written in Java that I would like to start up as a NT
service...does anyone know how to do this?
Answer: Check this site:
I read there: 
"ServiceInstaller is a FREE utility that makes it easy to install programs as Windows
NT Services, including pure Java applications, without manually editing the registry!"
 Q: Does any one know how to kill or stop a process through java?
Answer: It must be a process you created, and there are rare occasions when this
will not work.
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(path);
// later ...
Paul Lutus
 Q: I d like to determine the free disk space in a platform independent way. So far,
I ve found no Java way to do so...
The best I ve been able to come up with is running the UNIX "df" utility (which is
available for a number of non UNIX platforms, too, such as Win32 and OS/2).
Answer: Samizdat Productions Releases JConfig 2.1.1 JConfig is a class library that
extends the core Java API. It lets you work with files, web browsers, processes, file
types, and other system level items in a much more advanced manner than that
provided by the standard Java class libraries. A list of JConfig s features is given
JConfig is free for most freeware and educational projects, and it now comes with the
complete Java and C++ source code!
** Download JConfig here:
Here s a partial list of JConfig s features, by category:
Enumerate the user s disk drives, and obtain extended information on files,
directories, volumes, and filesystems: their icons, creation dates, version information,
mount points, and more...
     Web Browsers:
Launch a file or URL in the user s Web browser... 
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