2. If that doesn't work, try:
#pico /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf   move the last vhost to the first vhost in the file.
Q: What do I do when Mailman wants UID 99 but is getting  1?
A: #/scripts/upcp
Q: My subdomain logs are not being processed. What do I do?
A: Do the following:
1. #rm  f  username/tmp/lastrun
2. #killall  9 cpanellogd
3. #/usr/local/cpanel/cpanellogd
Q: How do I enable FrontPage on port 443 with ssl?
A: Do the following:
1. /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe  o install  p 443  m
2. $domain  t apache fp  xuser $user  xgroup $group  servconf
3.  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
Q: Neomail complains of no in @INC   what do I do?
A: Do the following:
1. Rebuild perl using installer from
2. Just running /scripst/cleanmd5 should do it.
Q: When adding FrontPage, I get sd(8,10) write failure, user limit block reached. What do I do?
Run /scripts/fixquotas
Q: How do I fix general mail problems related to permissions?
A: /scripts/mailperm
Q: How do I fix the most common problems?
A: /scripts/fixcommonproblems
Q: How do I fix cgi scripts that are returning a 500 error because of permissions?
A: Do the following:
1. /scripts/fixsuexeccgiscripts
2. read /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec log for Mailman 500 Error.
3. /scripts/fixmailmanwithsuexec
4. edit /usr/local/apache/conf/htpd.conf and move the vhost it creates (almost always the last one in the file)
to be the first vhost.
5. Restart Apache: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
6. run /scripts/fixoldlistswithsuexec






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