I Lab Services 
4.3 CNMR Predictor 
CNMR Predictor quickly and precisely calculates 
C NMR spectra for almost any drawn organic 
structure.  The calculated chemical shifts are always provided with the confidence limits, so that 
you always know how far the calculated values can be trusted. 
In most cases, the CNMR Predictor module calculates chemical shifts with an accuracy of 3 ppm 
or better.  For this purpose, the module uses a large internal data base with over 2,017,000 
experimental chemical shifts and 81,400 coupling constants for 165,000 structures.  To quantitate 
intramolecular interactions in new organic structures and to predict their chemical shifts, CNMR 
Predictor module uses a unique algorithm based on the intramolecular interaction parameters for 
over 3,000 structural fragments, which have been carefully derived from the experimental data 
using the specially developed CNMR data processing approaches.  It calculates the spin spin 
interaction of carbon nuclei with the magnetic nuclei of other elements, proceeding from the 
natural ratio of magnetic isotopes.  Calculated chemical shifts and coupling constants are 
provided with 95% confidence intervals so that you know the reliability of the calculated values. 
ACD/CNMR recognizes spectral differences between the following types of isomeric structures: 
Cis trans isomers of alkenes; 
Cis trans and endo exo isomers of cyclic structures; and 
Syn anti isomers of amides, oximes, hydrazones, and nitrosoamines. 
The results of CNMR spectrum prediction can be viewed from a special dialog box that appears 
automatically as soon as the results are received from the server (if the corresponding check box 
is selected in the ACD/I Lab Options dialog box) or that can be opened from the Task Manager 
by clicking Result. 
The results are represented in the form of a spectrum that can be viewed with the external viewer 
(CNMR Viewer) that is included into the ChemSketch installation package by default. 
4.4 PNMR Predictor 
ACD/PNMR Predictor accurately calculates 
P NMR chemical shifts and coupling constants for 
many typical chemical structures containing P.  It uses parameters gleaned from its internal 
database, which contains over 28,200 chemical shifts and 19,400 coupling constants for over 
22,600 structures. 
The resultant table of chemical shifts includes the following information: 
The type of nucleus giving rise to the nuclear magnetic resonance (here, it is 
The number of the atom in the structure which gives rise to the predicted shift; 
The value of the predicted shift; and 
The uncertainty of the predicted shift, based on 95% confidence limits for the structure 
The table of coupling constants displays: 
The type of nucleus giving rise to the nuclear magnetic resonance coupling (here, it is 
The numbers of the two atoms in the structure which give rise to the coupling; 
The value of the predicted coupling; and 
ACD/I Lab via ChemSketch  
User's Guide 






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