College Case Studies, Student Union 
and Drinks Industry Perspectives
It would be unwise to form a judgement on the success of the college
alcohol policy initiative solely on the basis of the views expressed in these
focus groups, since these were the views of those most involved in and
committed to this process.  This section presents somewhat different
perspectives, consisting of case studies of this process as it has evolved
within three different colleges, as well as the views of two other important
stakeholders, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI)  and  MEAS, the
 social aspects organisation  established  in 2002  by the Drinks Industry
Group in Ireland.  
In qualitative social research the case study method is most commonly used
to provide detailed information on individual  cases ; such case studies are
not as a rule presented on the basis that they are typical of the total class
of institutions or individuals being studied, nor is it argued that information
gleaned in this way is necessarily generalisable (Stake, 1998).  In the
present instance, it was thought useful to supplement information already
presented on college alcohol policies   gathered by reading and analysing
written policy statements and by conducting focus group interviews with
those most responsible for them    with a small number of case studies.
Time and resource limitations confined this to just three colleges: one of
which was selected because it perceived itself to be  a drinking college ,
one which had no such view of itself but participated as part of the national
initiative, and the third which entered the process quite belatedly in the
wake of negative publicity concerning student drinking during rag week.
Individual interviews with student service personnel were conducted and
allowed for the gathering of  in depth and detailed information on the
policy process  within their own colleges. In addition, interviews with
student union officers provided a student (or at least a student union)
perspective which was otherwise missing.  These three case studies will be
presented here in summary form, following which the views of the USI and
MEAS will also be presented.






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