Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQ Overview
The Frequently Asked Questions section lists answers to common questions.
See also:
Do You Have Any Tips For Domain Names?
How Can I Use Words From a Text File?
What do the Unknown and Error Status Mean?
Can You Add Domain XYZ to the Domains List?
Are Pluralized Words in the Thesaurus and Popularity Database?
Can I Have More Than One Word in The Same Position?
Why is the Popularity Rating Shown as Zero?
Do You Have Any Tips For Domain Names?
Like any brand name, logo, or trademark, your domain name represents part of your business
identity. Customers will associate it with your particular product, service, company or whatever you
are using the domain name for, if you name it correctly. Remember that domain names will
probably be used for several purposes, including your web site, email address, and possibly an ftp
or other server.
If your domain name can be easily remembered then you will attract more customers. People will
use your web site or email address to get immediate and convenient access to the information or
service that you are providing.
Domain names are portable. You can move address, change phone numbers, change Internet
service providers, change the company that hosts your web site, and still keep the same domain
name. This provides an extremely flexible method of keeping in touch with your customers and
Here is a list of tips for choosing good domain names:
 know the domain name format. Domain names can generally be between 2 and 67
characters long (including the extension), and contain the characters a z, 0 9 and    
(hyphen). Some domains have a minimum length of 1 character and others require at least
3 characters. Domain names cannot start or end with     (hyphen). Domain names are not
case sensitive, though it is often useful to display them in advertising with capitalized
words. e.g. You can now also register multi lingual
domain names.
 know your target audience. Choose domain names that are appropriate for them.
Depending on who you are targeting this could mean choosing names that sound sincere,
cool, current, active, professional, or that use key words from the industry for example.
 keep domain names short and simple. Generally, the shorter the domain name the
easier it is to remember or write down, and the less chance of users noting and
remembering it incorrectly. Restrict the domain name to one, two or three words at most.
(The one exception to this is the next tip). All other things being equal, give preference to
words with fewer syllables and words that are easy to pronounce. Short is good, but don t
use difficult to remember acronyms, such as qmxf.
 register a long domain name containing a list of relevant words for your web site to
achieve a higher ranking in some search engines. It is generally better to separate the
words with hyphens in this case. Several of the major search engines rank web sites much
higher if the search terms are contained in the domain name. You can use up to 63
characters to create a long domain name with keywords and automatically redirect visitors
to the real web site. Some registrars offer the redirect service as standard in their price.
 use the appropriate pluralization. For example, is probably better than if the web site is not relating to "a" particular home.
 use words that can be "visualized". Use words that involve several of the 5 senses
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