Chapter 38. TIC54X Dependent Features
.byte value [,...,value_n]
.ubyte value [,...,value_n]
.char value [,...,value_n]
.uchar value [,...,value_n]
Place one or more bytes into consecutive words of the current section. The upper 8 bits of each
word is zero filled. If a label is used, it points to the word allocated for the first byte encountered.
.clink ["section_name"]
Set STYP_CLINK flag for this section, which indicates to the linker that if no symbols from
this section are referenced, the section should not be included in the link. If
omitted, the current section is used.
.copy "filename" | filename
.include "filename" | filename
Read source statements from
. The normal include search path is used. Normally .copy
will cause statements from the included file to be printed in the assembly listing and .include will
not, but this distinction is not currently implemented.
Begin assembling code into the .data section.
.double value [,...,value_n]
.ldouble value [,...,value_n]
.float value [,...,value_n]
.xfloat value [,...,value_n]
Place an IEEE single precision floating point representation of one or more floating point values
into the current section. All but
align the result on a longword boundary. Values are
stored most significant word first.
Control printing of directives to the listing file. Ignored.
.emsg string
.mmsg string
.wmsg string
Emit a user defined error, message, or warning, respectively.
Use extended addressing when assembling statements. This should appear only once per file, and
is equivalent to the  mfar mode option Section 38.1 Options.
Control printing of false conditional blocks to the listing file.






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