U S I N G   T H E   J M S   A P I  
a QueueConnectionFactory and Listing 11 2, looking up a TopicConnectionFactory shows 
you the typical way the OIL ConnectionFactory is created in a client application. 
Listing 11 1, looking up a QueueConnectionFactory 
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); 
QueueConnectionFactory qcf=(QueueConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup( ConnectionFactory ); 
Listing 11 2, looking up a TopicConnectionFactory 
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); 
TopicConnectionFactory qcf=(TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup( ConnectionFactory ); 
A ConnectionFactory can also be constructed without using JNDI via JBossMQ specific APIs 
but it out of the scope of this document. 
Looking up Queues and Topics 
Once you have a ConnectionFactory, the next thing you will need to do is find out how to get 
the Destination (Queue and Topic) objects.  There are two ways you can get references to the 
Destination objects. 
Use JNDI to lookup the Destination object.   
Queues are stored under the  queue  subcontext.  Therefore, to lookup a queue 
named queueName, the JNDI location you would look up should be 
 queue/queueName . 
Topics are stored under the  topic  subcontext.  Therefore, to lookup a topic 
named topicName, the JNDI location you would look up should be 
 topic/topicName . 
Use the QueueSession.createQueue( String queueName ) or 
TopicSession.createTopic( String topicName ) methods.  These methods do not 
create NEW Destinations, they create references to existing Destinations. 
Configuring JBoss JMS Objects 
All JBoss JMS object such as the ConnectionFactorys, Topics and Queues are configured via 
a JMX MBean
.  In addition to the standard JMS objects, there are also JMX MBean that 
 See the Error! Reference source not found. chapter for more info on MBeans. 






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